
Additional Materials

Here you'll find some other useful materials for learning quantum computing.

Quantum Computing


The Youtube user "Elucyda" has made a great playlist of his own personal lectures that covers advanced algorithms and some quantum physics at the same time. YouTube

The Youtube channel "Quantum Sense" has an awesome series on the mathematics of bra-ket notation. He tackles it more from a physics perspective, but it's still very applicable here. YouTube


The "Mike and Ike" textbook (Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Isaac Chuang and Michael Nielsen) is one of the most classic introductions to the field. Despite being old, it still provides an excellent introduction to the theory of quantum algorithms, error correction and information theory. Amazon


Brilliant have made a great Quantum Computing course in collaboration with Microsoft (Monthly subscription is required for full access). Website

Q-CTRL have launched a online learning portal called Black Opal with some nice interactive simulators (Monthly subscription is required for full access). Website

Quantum Physics

Although not required, here are some useful learning materials for quantum physics.


MIT has uploaded 3 whole courses of lectures on quantum physics which are great: