
Introduction to the course

QCFundamentals is designed to give you an introduction to the fundamentals of quantum computing from a fairly low level.

This course is intended to be accessible to anyone with a high school level of mathematics. However, anyone starting from a more advanced point can skip over the "Mathematical Foundations" chapter.

The course is deliberately designed to take a "mathematics first" approach. This means we prioritise teaching the formal mathematical notation of concepts. There are many other courses out there that will primarily focus on visuals, animations and intuition. This is not wrong. We highly encourage you check them out (you can see them detailed in the Additional Materials section), but the aim of QCFundamentals is to teach you in a way that will easily allow you to continue on to further study. The mathematical language/notation we use in the course is the same as the language used in academic papers and textbooks so you should be able to easily transition to reading more advanced materials.